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Mystery School of
Golden Light conception

The Mystery school of Golden Light Conception is a spiritual path in which Silke mentors prospective mothers that feel called to conceive a spiritbaby from the Mother galaxy. Preparing to conceive will be your daily spiritual practice because you want to match you spiritbaby’s energy as best as possible. It’s only possible for you to conceive when your frequency is high enough. You feel your spiritbaby is waiting for you to become available to them.


In the Mystery school of Golden Light Conception you create your Field of Conception completely based on trust and joy. Together with your partner you start to weave your spiritbaby into the web of life by making unconditional love your guide. This starts by truly respecting yourself and your partner, paving the way for sacredness into your life.

Image by Alice Donovan Rouse

The path

The path within any mystery school only reveals itself one step at a time and you will learn to trust both your intuition and the process. There are many possibilities to choose from when envisioning your conception, pregnancy, birth & parenthood. In the Mystery school you will grow into your power as a mother so you make choices that are aligned with spiritbaby, your partner and with you.

You only come to the path of the Mystery school of Golden Light Conception when you have clarity on your intention for this conception. Spiritbaby doesn’t need to fulfill any of your needs, your intention is to be of complete service to your spiritbaby and its purpose on Gaia.


Every woman is at a different point in her personal development and the path within the Mystery school of Golden Light conception is therefore completely individualized. Arriving at gnosis surrounding your conception, pregnancy, birth & parenthood is a deeply introspective, personal endeavor. Silke only provides with guideposts that might be helpful along the way. Close, deeply personal connection is the basis on which Silke provides you with her reflections and suggestions for your path.


The lenght and price of the mentorship is based upon your personal situation.

Pricing will range from between €199,- for a one time initiating ceremony to the Womb of Creation up to €2999,- for a yearlong mentorship​ with weekly calls.

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