Womb Work
The internal feminine is our inner foundation. In our wombs we connect to our ancestors and our lineage. It’s were we find our autonomy, our safety and our sense of belonging. In our womb we can find the trust that we can be our unique selves while being in community at the same time. It’s where we can experience our multidimensional selves as a beautiful piece in the web of life.
When we were colonized we got cut off from Mother Earth and our internal feminine wisdom.
We got detached from our inner and outer mother. Mother Earth was portrayed as a thing to be used, owned and mistrust. Our biological mother was no longer capable of giving us unconditional love and a sense of belonging. This Mother Wound is visible on many levels in human kind and now this Wound wants to be closed.
Mothering yourself, connecting to your internal feminine can happen in various ways and on different layers. Restoring your connection to Mother Earth happens on a foundational layer when you reconnect to Her Womb. By remembering our primordial origin in the Womb of Gaia we will gain clarity on who we are, what our lineage is and how we can respectfully relate to each other. By knowing and experiencing our deepest foundation we can start sharing a lineage based on love and joy.
Tour guide &
Womb Wisdomkeeper
Reconnecting to Mother Earth in Her womb is a journey you can make whenever you feel called to.
Silke works as a tour guide for traveling the inner landscape from your womb to Gaia’s. As soon as you know the way you can continue to make the journey on your own. But you can also choose to travel there together until you feel adapt to do it on your own. Remebering the way to the Womb of Gaia is process that needs time to be internalized.
Silke offers journeys to the Womb of Gaia, explorations of the Womb of Gaia and for those who feel ready to go deeper, a journey to the Womb of Creation. The Womb of the Cosmic Mother herself.
The poetry of our wombs is ready to be heard.